Yesterday the crew moved to Gubbio. We're at Ussita, a beautiful place lost in the mountains, but we're here for a very specific reason: it's the nearest place they could find to film these scenes...on ice!
In fact, we are... |
...at an ice skating rink, and finally we can cool off in the middle of this summer heat. |
But there are those who complain about the cold. Actually, the crew has to work on the ice, and it's not easy, especially since the ice is slippery... |
This episode is set in the world of figure skating and in these four days in Ussita, they will film many scenes.
Today there are many scenes planned with various actors and real athletes from the world of figure skating. |
Here, to the right in this photo, is the actor Fabio Poggiali who plays the trainer, and on the ice is one of the skaters who has to pretend to fall. |
There are also many of the regular cast of Don Matteo. In this photo Terence helps Sara Santostasi, the young "Camilla", to rehearse her lines. |
Sara has to skate, too, but for the fall, she will be replaced by a double. There to the left is Giulia Torelli, a young skater. |
In one scene there's also Natalie Guetta, the parish housekeeper Natalina. |
The guest star of this episode is Rossella Brescia. In this photo with professional skaters, they are showing her different poses to see which one she can manage without any problems. Rossella is a wonderful dancer but not an expert skater. |
Just some last minute directions from the director Giulio Base... |
...and Rosella does just fine! Her partner is Maurizio Margaglio, world champion in 2001 in ice dancing. |
For the skating sequences, Rossella is replaced by a double, Jyrina Lorenz, who actually teaches figure skating. |
A change of costume, and away they go with another scene on skates... |
No, Rossella didn't fall. It was a planned slip and this scene went well, too. Brava Rossella! |
The last scene for the day is a conversation between the trainer played by Fabio Poggiali, and Don Matteo. |
Before the director and the cast and crew left, the proprietors requested they autograph one of the wooden tables outside the building. They told us the table would be covered with a protective finish, and then removed from the legs and hung on the wall in the bar! |