The inhabitants of the towns surrounding Gubbio have always considered the Eugubini* to be fools because during the annual Festival of the Candles ("Festa dei Ceri"), the candlemakers carry three enormous and very heavy candles on their shoulders, while running to the top of Mount Ingino (to the Sanctuary of Saint Ubaldo). According to their neighbours, only people who were complete fools would even think of attempting to do something like this.
Thanks to this neighbourly opinion and because all the citizens of Gubbio take part in the festival, all the inhabitants of Gubbio are considered to be fools, not just the candlemakers.
The "Eugubini", no doubt proud of their strenuously earned nickname, offer the possibility to all visitors to Gubbio to become a honourary fool, just like the natives. Of course Terence, who has become very attached to Gubbio and who feels a bit "Eugubino" already, would want to earn the famous "Honourary Fool Certificate" ( "Patente di matto", yes, it's certifiable!). So when it was suggested, Terence accepted the offer immediately! On the day, after he had completed the required three laps around the Bargello Fountain, also called the Fountain of Fools, he improvised and dove in the fountain, fully clothed! According to the rules, all that as needed was to be splashed with water from the fountain by someone who was already a certified fool.
*the inhabitants of Gubbio |
......and here is his well-earned "Honourary Fool Certificate"!
Text on the Certificate
The sacred Congress of Fools, in the ancient City of Gubbio,
declares that
Master Terence, having circled for three times the Bargello fountain, while harbouring a fraternal and playful soul, has earned the honour of, and all rights pertaining to,
the Honourary Fool Certificate,
and can from henceforth use the title of
Honourary Fool of Gubbio. |