FAQ Table of Contents |
Registrazione |
L'amministratore ha bloccato le registrazioni. Solo gli utenti già registrati possono accedere. |
Creating a Hyperlink in your message |
You can easily add a hyperlink to your message.
All that you need to do is type the URL (http://www.terencehill.it/forum/), and it will automatically be converted to a URL (http://www.terencehill.it/forum/)!
The trick here is to make sure you prefix your URL with the http://, https:// or file://
You can also add a mailto link to your message by typing in your e-mail address.
This Example:
Outputs this:
Another way to add hyperlinks is to use the [url]linkto[/url] tags
This Example:
[url]http://www.terencehill.it/forum/[/url] takes you home!
Outputs This:
http://www.terencehill.it/forum/ takes you home!
If you use this tag: [url="linkto"]description[/url] you can add a description to the link.
This Example:
Take me to [url="http://www.terencehill.it/forum/"][/url]
Outputs This:
Take me to
This Example:
If you have a question [url="webmaster@terencehill.it"]E-Mail Me[/url]
Outputs This:
If you have a question E-Mail Me
Moderatori |
I moderators controllano i singoli forum. Possono modificare e cancellare, qualsiasi messaggio nei forum. |
Cookies |
Questi Forums usano i cookies per memorizzare le seguenti informazioni: l'ulitima visita, lo Username e la password criptata. Questi cookies sono memorizzati sul tuo hard disk al solo fine di agevolare l'uso del forum. Se i cookies non sono abilitati nel tuo browser, molte funzionalità del forum non funzioneranno correttamente. Inoltre, è necessario abilitare i cookies se si vuole creare un nuovo argomento di discussione o rispondere ad uno esistente.
Puoi cancellare tutti i cookies cliccando sul pulsante "logout" in cima ad ogni pagina.
Argomenti attivi |
Gli argomenti attivi vengono ricavati tramite l'uso dei cookies. Quando clicchi sul link "Argomenti attivi" viene generata una pagina che mostra tutti gli argomenti con nuovi messaggi rispetto all'ultima visita effettuata.
Editing Your Posts |
You may edit or delete your own posts at any time. Just go to the topic where the post to be edited or deleted is located and you will see a edit or delete icon ( ) on the line that begins "posted on..." Click on this icon to edit or delete the post. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum Moderator or the forum Administrator. |
Attaching Files |
For security reasons, you may not attach files to any posts. However, you may cut and paste text into your post. |
Searching For Specific Posts |
You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, user name, date, and particular forum(s). Simply click on the "search" link at the top of most pages. |
Editing Your Profile |
You may easily change any information stored in your registration profile by using the "profile" link located near the top of each page. Simply identify yourself by typing your Username and Password and all of your profile information will appear on screen. You may edit any information (except your Username). |
Signatures |
You may attach signatures to the end of your posts when you post either a New Topic or Reply. Your signature is editable by clicking on "profile" at the top of any forum page and entering your Username and Password.
NOTE: HTML can't be used in Signatures. |
What is COPPA? |
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and Rule apply to individually identifiable information about a child that is collected online, such as full name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number or any other information that would allow someone to identify or contact the child. The Act and Rule also cover other types of information -- for example, hobbies, interests and information collected through cookies or other types of tracking mechanisms -- when they are tied to individually identifiable information. More information can be found here. |
Getting Your Own Forum |
The most recent version of this Snitz Forum can be downloaded at this Internet web site.
NOTE: The software is highly configurable, and the baseline Snitz Forum may not have all the features this forum does. |